About us

We work with you to solve your energy challenges through innovative solutions, delivering resilience, cost efficiency and sustainability

UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio
UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio

We are expanding our portfolio of key infrastructure assets with the acquisition of UU Solar, from SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust LLP (SEEIT).

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Privacy Policy

At UK Power Networks Services, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

Our privacy policy (including any other documents referred to in it) outlines the basis on which we process any personal data that we collect from you, that you provide to us or that we receive from other sources. By processing, we mean when we collect, use, store, delete and otherwise manipulate or access personal data.

If we ask you to provide information from which you can be identified, including as a result of using our website, it will be used in accordance with this privacy policy, as it is varied from time to time.

Please read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding personal data and how we will treat it. We recommend that, from time to time, you visit our website to review this policy to stay up to date with any changes to it.

UK Power Networks Services

UK Power Networks has two businesses – our regulated business and our unregulated contracting services business. You have come through to the website for our unregulated contracting services business, which is our electrical contracting business that designs, builds, finances, operates and manages privately and publicly owned networks for large infrastructure projects, such as airports, rail and other public transport networks.

If you are a client of UK Power Networks Services or require information about how UK Power Networks Services processes personal data, please continue to read this policy.

However, if you are a customer of our regulated business – usually, this will be the case when your home or business property is directly connected to one of our three public electricity distribution networks – please click on the following link which will re-direct you to the regulated business privacy policy.

What establishes our data protection obligations?

UK Power Networks Services is required to process your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (EU Regulation 2016/679) (the “GDPR”).

Who is the Data Controller for UK Power Networks Services?

A data controller is a person or persons who determine the purposes for which and means by which personal data is processed. In other words, at UK Power Networks Services, we are a data controller and we require information about you in order to conduct our business.

UK Power Networks Services is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Our registered Data Controllers are:


Company Number

Registered Company Address

Company Name

Registration number



Newington House, 237 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 6NP

UK Power Networks Services (Commercial) Limited




Newington House, 237 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 6NP

UK Power Networks Services (Contracting) Limited


Who is the Data Protection Officer for UK Power Networks Services?

Our nominated Data Protection Officer is Nick Zentner, who can be contacted at DPO@ukpowernetworks.co.uk.

The DPO is responsible for monitoring our compliance with the GDPR, for informing and advising our business of its obligations in relation to the processing of personal data. The DPO is the point of contact with the ICO, the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, and is the person to whom you should direct any enquiries.

Please do contact the DPO (DPO@ukpowernetworks.co.uk) if you have any questions on our use of your personal data or if you would like to request that we rectify or delete any of your personal data that we process or if you would like to request information or a copy of your personal data that we process.

How to make complaints

Please let the DPO know if you are unhappy with how we have used your personal information. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (the “ICO”). Find out how on the ICO’s website at the section “How to report a concern”.

What personal data does UK Power Networks Services collect and process?

To provide consultancy services and to design, build, finance, operate and maintain power systems and multi-utility networks for our clients involved in major infrastructure projects, UK Power Networks Services will process personal data of its clients, clients’ employees and of other third party service providers such as full names, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, landline and/or mobile phone numbers and use of our website.

If relevant, we may also collect and hold data such as details about your property, financial and credit information, and other information that helps us to provide you with a better service that is capable of being tailored to specific energy requirements or particular sector-specific needs.

How does UK Power Networks Services collect this personal data?

Information that you give to us

This is the personal data that you or your organisation provide to us, for example by filling in forms on our website (www.ukpowernetworksservices.co.uk) or by corresponding with our team by phone, e-mail, post, social media or otherwise.

This personal data could relate to any of the work that UK Power Networks Services undertakes, for example, providing quotations to assisting with network capacity planning or from providing funding solutions to the supply of electricity to your local electric vehicle charging points.

Information that we receive from other sources

This is the personal data that we receive about you from others, such as from your third party suppliers or contractors. As a full service distribution network provider involved in whole-life asset management and operation of business-critical energy networks, UK Power Networks Services works closely with third parties (including, for example, other contractors, our sub-contractors in construction and delivery services, analytics providers, credit reference agencies and other companies in the Cheung Kong Group (CKG) of companies) to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the public and private electrical distribution networks of our clients.

Information we collect when visiting our website

In line with our information security standards, we monitor website behaviour through Google Analytics. We collect information about how each visitor uses our site. These are then used to compile reports and to help us improve our site. Information is collected in an anonymous form, including:

  • the number of visitors to the site
  • where visitors have come to the site from
  • the pages visited

UK Power Networks Services wants to provide you with the best possible service. We are always looking for ways to improve. This includes improving our website so that it provides the information that your business needs, on a regularly updated basis and in an easily accessible way.

Cookies on the UK Power Networks Services’ website

To improve and keep our website up-to-date, we collect information about your visit and we may share some of this information with our third party data analytics service providers to help us assess and improve our website. When this website data is shared with third parties, it will be provided as anonymised, aggregated data with personal data no longer identifiable.

Like most websites, our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. These are small text files stored in your web browser, which can identify you (or your device) when visiting our website. This helps us to check on the effectiveness of your experience and devise ways to improve our website to improve its content, search functions, and make it more user friendly.

Information that we may collect from your visit includes your device’s Internet protocol (IP) address, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), services you viewed or searched for, page response times, and length of visits to certain pages.

For more information on our use of cookies, view our Cookie Policy.

For what purposes does UK Power Networks Services collect and use personal data?

UK Power Networks Services processes the personal data that we hold in the following ways in order to:

What we use your personal data for

Our reasons / legal justifications for using personal data in this way

Our Legitimate Interests

To provide consultancy services and design, build, finance, operation, maintenance, asset management services and funding solutions to businesses

To enable us to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject

To allow us to enter into or perform our contract with you

To pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties

Making sure work is carried out safely

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of works, services and finance

Being efficient about and developing how we fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual duties and achieve our company vision

Planning and managing our works, services and financing

Updating and maintaining our customer records

Ensuring that we are paid for work we have done and for any damage caused to our equipment or assets or the equipment and assets that we work on for others.

Processing and paying our suppliers’ and contractors’ invoices

Ensuring that we have the appropriate property/access rights for our assets and equipment and assets and equipment that we work on for others

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To monitor our work and services and maintain our records

To enable us to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject

To allow us to enter into or perform our contract with you

To pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties

Making sure work is carried out safely

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of asset management and consultancy services and funding solutions to businesses

Being efficient about and developing how we fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual duties and achieve our company vision

Planning and managing our works and services and ensuring they are appropriately operated and maintained

Updating and maintaining our customer records

Ensuring that we are paid for work we have done and for any damage caused to our equipment or assets or the equipment and assets that we work on for others.

Processing and paying our suppliers’ and contractors’ invoices

Ensuring that we have the appropriate property/access rights to carry out our works/services

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To administer and improve our website and other communications with you

To allow us to enter into or perform our contract with you

To pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties

Making sure work is carried out safely

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of asset management and consultancy services and funding solutions to businesses

Being efficient about and developing how we fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual duties and achieve our company vision

Updating and maintaining our customer records

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To enable compliance with statutory and legal obligations

To enable us to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject


To detect and prevent fraud and other criminal offences

To enable us to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject

To allow us to enter into or perform our contract with you

To pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties

To protect your/a third party’s vital interests

Making sure work is carried out safely

Protecting the company and others from crime

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of asset management and consultancy services and funding solutions to businesses

Informing our approach to risk and our insurance programme

Ensuring that we are paid for work we have done and for any damage caused to our equipment or assets or the equipment and assets that we work on for others.

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To respond to any complaint that you might make

To enable us to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject

To allow us to enter into or perform our contract with you

To pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties

Making sure work is carried out safely

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of asset management and consultancy services and funding solutions to businesses

Being efficient about and developing how we fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual duties and achieve our company vision

Planning and managing our works and ensuring they are appropriately operated and maintained

Updating and maintaining our customer records

Ensuring that we are paid for work done and for any damage caused to our assets and equipment by you or others

Processing and paying our suppliers’ and contractors’ invoices

Ensuring that we have the appropriate property/access rights for our assets and equipment and assets and equipment that we work on for others

Enabling us to investigate and respond to complaints

Monitoring and improving the service that we offer

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To contact your business in an emergency


Making sure work is carried out safely

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of asset management and consultancy services and funding solutions to businesses

Being efficient about and developing how we fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual duties and achieve our company vision

Planning and managing our works and ensuring they are appropriately operated and maintained

Updating and maintaining our customer records

Ensuring that we are paid for work we have done and for any damage caused to our equipment or assets or the equipment and assets that we work on for others.

Processing and paying our suppliers’ and contractors’ invoices

Ensuring that we have the appropriate property/access rights for our assets and equipment and assets and equipment that we work on for others

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To conduct market research as required

To pursue legitimate interests of our own or those of third parties

Making sure work is carried out safely

Delivering our responsibilities as a responsible provider of asset management and consultancy services and funding solutions to businesses

Being efficient about and developing how we fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual duties and achieve our company vision

Planning and managing our works and ensuring they are appropriately operated and maintained

Updating and maintaining our customer records

Ensuring that we are paid for work we have done and for any damage caused to our equipment or assets or the equipment and assets that we work on for others.

Processing and paying our suppliers’ and contractors’ invoices

Ensuring that we have the appropriate property/access rights for our assets and equipment and assets and equipment that we work on for others

Enabling us to investigate and respond to complaints

Monitoring and improving the service that we offer

Engaging with our key stakeholders

To send you emails about our latest news, insights, events, products and services where you have consented to receive them by subscribing through our website

The legal justification for sending you emails is based on consent provided by you when signing up to receive emails via UK Power Networks Services’ website.  


When does UK Power Networks Services disclose personal data?

To provide our services, it may be necessary for UK Power Networks Services to share your personal data with others, including:

  • other entities in the UK Power Network Services group of companies and joint ventures
  • third party business partners, suppliers, and subcontractors, and any of the third parties listed above which also provide us personal data
  • your third party business partners, suppliers and subcontractors
  • analytics providers that assist with improvement of our website
  • credit reference agencies and other companies and organisations for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction,
  • government agencies and independent regulatory bodies

and as might be required by law, including compliance with any court order or legal obligation.

In the event that UK Power Networks Services (or substantially all of its assets) were to be acquired by or merged with a third party, the personal data held by us about our clients would be included amongst the assets transferred or shared. If we were to sell or buy any business or assets, we may disclose personal data held by us to the prospective seller or buyer under strict confidentiality terms.

When entering into any agreements that involve the sharing or disclosure of personal data, UK Power Networks Services requires that these third parties comply with our data protection and information security policies or have substantially similar policies of their own in place.

Disclosure of Personal data for email marketing 

Where you have consented to receive marketing emails by signing up via UK Power Networks Services’ website, UK Power Networks Services may pass your personal data (your name, email address, job title and organisation) to its third party Supplier which manages its email communications for marketing purposes. UK Power Networks Services’ third party supplier will use your personal data to contact you by email on our behalf to let you know about our latest news, insights, events, products and services that we think you’ll find interesting. Our third party supplier and its [data partners] use beacons, pixels and/or similar tracking technologies “Cookies” when sending you email communications (to deploy Cookies lawfully on, and collect data from the devices of subscribers).

You can unsubscribe from receiving emails or withdraw your consent to receive emails at any time by using the “unsubscribe link” in the email communication we send you, or by contacting the UK Power Networks Services’ Data Protection Officer at DPO@ukpowernetworks.co.uk.

How long does UK Power Networks store your personal data?

Where personal data relates to the performance of a contract we will retain such personal data for a maximum of 16 years following the end of the contract. Where the personal data relates to marketing we will delete personal data after 2 years.

Where does UK Power Networks Services store your personal data?

UK Power Networks Services has put in place appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent accidental loss, damage or destruction of your personal data, and to protect your personal data against unauthorised, or unlawful use or theft. We put in place strict confidentiality agreements, including data protection obligations, with our third party service providers and data processors.

Your personal data may be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA), where processing activities such as technical support, storage and backup may be provided. When this data is sent outside the EEA, we shall ensure its secure transfer and that appropriate safeguards are in place for the processing of your personal data in accordance with this policy and the requirements set out in the GDPR.

What are your rights?

The GDPR provides you with a number of rights in relation to your personal data. These include rights to the rectification or erasure of your personal data, and to restrict or object to its processing. If you wish to enforce any of these rights please contact the DPO


If you find that any of the personal data that we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or contains errors, please notify the DPO in writing and we shall undertake to make the appropriate corrections at the earliest opportunity.


Should you wish to have some or all of your personal data erased, we will endeavour to do so although there may be instances where legitimate interests or the performance of our statutory obligations prevent us from doing so. The erasure of your personal data could result in an inability to provide you with some or all of our services.

Restriction or Objection

If you wish to object to or restrict how your personal data is processed by us, you can do so by contacting the DPO in writing. Please see our contact details below. Please be aware that such requests could result in an inability to provide you with some or all of our services.

You also have the right to data portability and to make a data subject access request.


You may request that UK Power Networks Services provide the personal data that we hold about you to another data controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.


You may request to be told whether or not personal data about you is being processed by UK Power Networks Services. If your personal data is being processed, you are entitled to receive a response from us that provides you with a description of that personal data, the purpose for which it is processed, the recipients or category of recipients to whom that data is disclosed (including any recipients located outside the EEA), the source of the personal data, and information about its retention and storage. A copy of the personal data that is undergoing processing shall be provided to you

To make such requests, it is advisable to do so in writing and to address this communication to our Data Protection Officer, c/o UK Power Networks (Operations) Limited, 237 Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 6NP.

You can also email us at DPO@ukpowernetworks.co.uk.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

If in the future we make any changes to our privacy policy, the latest version of our privacy policy will be posted on our website.

Contacting us

Your questions, comments or requests relating to our processing of your personal data or this policy are welcome, and you may contact us via our Contact Us page. This page provides a number of contact details relating to our different services.

Alternatively, you may contact us in relation to data protection matters by contacting Juan Infante, our Data Protection Officer emailing: DPO@ukpowernetworks.co.uk.