About us

We work with you to solve your energy challenges through innovative solutions, delivering resilience, cost efficiency and sustainability

UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio
UK Power Networks Services builds renewables portfolio

We are expanding our portfolio of key infrastructure assets with the acquisition of UU Solar, from SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust LLP (SEEIT).

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Our SCADA technology accelerates the transition to a decarbonised future
Our SCADA technology accelerates the transition to a decarbonised future

With continued investment in an innovative facility that allows us to control, manage and monitor substations and other electrical infrastructure on behalf of our clients, we are helping the industry to accelerate its transition towards a decarbonised future.

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Our clients include some of the highest profile public and private sector organisations with critical infrastructure in complex environments.

Our industries
Supporting Transport for London in the delivery of 54 new trains for Docklands Light Railway
Supporting Transport for London in the delivery of 54 new trains for Docklands Light Railway

UK Power Networks Services continues to support Transport for London in its strategic ambitions to add 54 new trains to the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) by 2024.

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Guide to EVs part two: EVs save money

UKPNS Guide To Evs Part Two (1)

In the second part of this guide to EVs series, we address the cost benefits of transitioning your fleet to electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles save you money, thanks to reducing costs, government grants, tax benefits and avoided levies.

As a new technology, EVs are currently more expensive to produce than ICE equivalent vehicles. However, increasing production capacity and demand will bring costs down. To stimulate demand, and therefore technology development, the Government provides financial incentives for EVs. This is a tried and tested method to develop a healthy competitive market for a new clean technology, as demonstrated with solar PV. However, this also opens up uncertainty and risk as vehicle cost-effectiveness for users is dependent on government subsidies.

With vehicle purchase price brought in-line, EVs offer fuel cost savings and tax savings that could reduce costs by up to £1,500 per year for a typical car-driver. For fleet managers, this means whole-life-costs for EVs fall below that of similar diesel or petrol vehicles. Personal car owners can take advantage of the growing availability of personal financing options and save from day one.

The longer-term cost benefits for EVs are harder to judge. It is likely that the current tax benefits and subsidies will be phased out as EV uptake increases. However, this will be balanced against increasing levies on polluting vehicles and cost reductions in EV capital cost and maintenance costs. The Government must therefore manage EV incentive schemes carefully as the market develops.


Authored by Jonathan Bassett, Technology and Innovation Consultant

Read part three here

Read part one here

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